Monday, May 2, 2011

Gearing Up for the 2011-2012 School Year

Aaaah!!! I cannot believe how excited I am about home schooling this coming up school year. I know I'm strange and somewhat crazy :) The fact of the matter is that I have about four weeks left to prep for our school year start date. My printer is printing games and worksheets out almost non-stop. My stack of papers to laminate or file is growing. School supplies are being organized as I buy them. I'm trying to pick a color to paint our "schoolroom". Babe thinks the kids will be enrolled in public school come December. It's not that he isn't supportive, he just lives with me and knows I have a tendency to get a little overwhelmed by my best intentions.

I am REALLY excited that we joined a co-op for the next school year. It starts up at the end of August/beginning of September. It will keep us on track with science (earth science this year), history (The Story of the World: Volume 2), grammar/literature (First Language Lessons and Teaching the Classics), Latin (Song School Latin), and maybe spelling (Spell to Read and Write). I believe they will also be studying geography and art, plus have a Spring play.

Then I've bought the curriculum for math which we'll do on our own. They will both be doing Saxon Math (Carter: K and Sterling: 2).

Carter has started the Hooked on Phonics Kindergarten reading program and it's going well. Sterling will be reading for a set amount of time each day. We'll work on phonics rules and spelling (daily) and other than that, I think it'll be just a matter of him challenging himself to read more difficult books and read for longer periods of time.

So this summer, I'll be finishing our history unit (The Story of the World: Volume 1), starting math and reading and doing some fun (hopefully everyone thinks they are fun) unit studies. I'm thinking we'll be doing an artist unit study (using the book Discovering Great Artists), Around-the-World unit study, a human body study and some literature activities to go along with books we are reading. For PE we'll be swimming :) I'd like to start piano lessons, but we'll see how brave I get!

I am a little worried about keeping the boys busy all day long! I'm trying to get a lot of learning games together and such so that they can pull them out and play to their hearts content. The first month, I'll be teaching them a lot of games and we'll practice good sportsmanship (they really are good sports, our main problem is Carter losing interest and not staying to finish the game). Then, hopefully, when we have our new addition I can let them play a game while I feed/diaper the baby.

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