Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sight Words BINGO

Today I have planned to play a quick game of "sight words BINGO" with the older two boys. I'm sure there are sets out there or you could make a little set pretty easily (if you do, make sure to share:) but here's what we do:

  1. I write "sight" words on post-it note size pieces of paper. I made two sets because I have two players. Then I wrote all the words onto slips of paper to draw from while we play. So, I'd write "the" on two papers, "I" on two papers, "it" on two papers, etc. I put each set in a ziploc baggie.
  2. I give each boy his baggie and have him form a grid, 3 words by 3 words (nine in all). Nine seems to be a good number for beginners! We have more than nine words, so they get to choose each round if they would like to move their words or exchange them for different words. Gotta keep it interesting!
  3. We use whatever is handy as markers for our game (pennies, cheerios, cut up pieces of construction paper) and I draw a word, read it and let them look for it and mark it. Three in a row wins.
Easy, cheesy! The boys love it and ask to play. Plus, this way, I can add harder words in as they get more proficient at reading. (We have an older cousin who was shirtless at some family function and the boys asked him why, he said, "Shirts are for jerks". He doesn't even remember saying that but that seemed to put walking around shirtless into motion at our house. Not so much, thankfully, now that it's colder outside:)

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